Zero4 Champ RR-Z

¥30 million:
Start a new game in story mode. Get to the dining room customization screen. Change the colors of the following objects in the dining room, in order: yellow wall, green curtain, yellow carpet, yellow sofa, and surreal poster.

Zero1 car:
Start a new game in story mode. Get to the dining room customization screen. Change the colors of the following objects in the dining room, in order: white wall, black curtain, black carpet, red sofa, and supercar poster. The Zero1 will now be unlocked at the showroom.

Intentionally lose to the champion in the final race ten times. The Fannicar is now unlocked at the showroom.

Jet engine:
Start a new game in story mode. Enter Do-H-Ga-Me in Hiragana as a name. Then in the dining room, select the "Use Item" option to access the "Jetoenjin" feature.

Mahjong contest items:
Start a new game in story mode. Enter Ron-Ron-Ron in Katakana as a name. Then in the dining room, select the "Use Item" option to access all items needed to win the Mahjong contest.

Cannot lose RPG battles:
Start a new game in story mode. Enter Go-Bu-Rin in Hiragana as a name.

Mini-story mode:
Successfully complete story mode.